Affiliate Disclosure:

Dear Readers,

Some of the links to products and services on this site are affiliate links, and I may earn small a commission for any purchases that you make. This will not incur any additional cost to you.

I mention these items to you because I find them relevant to my work and want to share things (often books!) that have made a positive impact on my life. I link these products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. With full disclosure, I do earn income as an author first through sales of my novels and and also through the blog and other content on this website. Whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

For simplicity, please assume that any links on this site that lead you to products or services are affiliate links and that I will receive commission if you take action through that link. I make every effort to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.

Always reach out if you have any questions. I love connecting with readers.

Thanks for all of your support and happy reading!


disclosure, Disclosures
disclosure, Disclosures

Daughter of

a Promise


disclosure, Disclosures

The Nine


disclosure, Disclosures